CGUCO has taken a never before initiative in the arena of WOMEN EMPOWERMENT by publishing SOUVENIR of CHARAN-GADHVI WOMEN from all over the globe.
We are collecting details of CHARAN-GADHVI females regarding their family, educational and professional background.
Thousands of souvenir booklets will be distributed across the globe.
It's a great chance for promoting our business too by posting advertisements in this souvenir.
Various advertisements have already been booked. Hurry to book your advertisements (as the space is limited) and get benefits of publicity across the world.
✅The souvenir will be of A4 sized.
✅A charity amount has been decided for publishing advertisements.
✅There are two categories:
1. Full page ad: ₹5000
2. Half page ad: ₹2500
Hurry to book yours
Contact below numbers:
Email :
Whatsapp on below Chandrikaben : 00971563048442
Sultan Singh Deval
Jay Gadhvi:
Mahendra Singh charan
Rahul Lila:
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